Digital Alumni Advisory Council
Join the Farmingdale State College Digital Alumni Advisory Council!
Want to reconnect with FSC without having to overcommit? Now you can by joining our new Digital Alumni Advisory Council. Share your thoughts and ideas with us just a few times a year. Brainstorm, volunteer in a meaningful way, and help us expand our alumni network. Your input will help us improve our outreach and provide relevant resources that can be put to good use.
Why Join?
Advocate: This is your platform to share important feedback. FSC Alumni staff and Alumni Association Board Members are listening to what you have to say.
Help: Show your Ram pride and expand our dynamic alumni volunteer network.
Participate: Engage in 4-6 online surveys, polls, and various forums a few times per year all from the comfort of your home computer or smart phone. No meetings!
Innovate: Inspire improvements and new alumni experiences that create meaningful engagement with FSC.
Rewards: Earn FSC swag as a thank you for your participation. Go Rams!
News & Updates: Learn insights from activities within our digital community and learn more about how FSC is using your valuable feedback in a tangible way to enhance the alumni experience and grow alumni engagement and support.
Resume Builder: Impress your future boss! Volunteer service and transferable experience always looks good on a resume.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How and when are surveys sent?
Surveys are sent via email. Council members complete a profile survey when they join and will complete on average six surveys per year.
What will be asked of me?
Council members will be asked their opinions on a variety of alumni-related topics and programs. Topics could include alumni benefits, events, communications, new ways to reconnect with FSC, and in-person volunteer opportunities.
How are alumni recruited?
All alumni are invited to participate, and each school will be targeted with additional communications to ensure coverage across all of Farmingdale’s graduates. The alumni staff will work to ensure there is representation across graduation years, programs, geography, gender, and other demographics.
How are the results shared?
Results will be provided in a future email and also posted on the FSC alumni website.
How is feedback used?
The Alumni Office and Alumni Association learn a lot from the feedback of our alumni. Council members will help inform strategic decisions on new programs across campus. Surveys will be short and targeted for constructive feedback. You’ll be satisfied to know your efforts were immediately received and reviewed by the College. The input we gain from you will guide our future alumni outreach efforts. It’s win win!
Where can I send questions?
Contact Michelle Johnson, Director of Alumni Engagement and Stewardship, at michelle.johnson@farmingdale.edu